Téofilo Raboso, in the cemetery of Ocaña, near Toledo in Spain. He belongs to Afeco, the association that managed to recover the names of the 1300 republicans killed during the spanish civil war in this place, to make it a mausoleum.
Osas Egbon is a former prostitute. She is president of the Women Benin City’s association in Palermo since 2015. An association whose purpose is to help sex workers women in Sicily (Italy). 90% of the girls who work as prostitutes in Italy come from Benin city in Nigeria. Pimps dupe them with fake jobs or with voodoo magic curses to “convince” them to go to Italy.
There, they are slaved, raped and some of them beaten to death if they won’t work. Osas Egbon does whatever she can to save these girls from the mafias like the Nigerian Black Axe. Palermo (2017)
Gustavo Gonzalez is director of the music band "Los autenticos reyes de la murga" in Buenos Aires' slum 1-11-14. He was shot by police force when they were rehearsing. "They were looking for two stolen cars. They could not pass because we were playing in the slum. They immediately shot us with flashballs." Buenos Aires (2016)
“I have six children and that’s why they cut my Fallopian tubes. They told me that it was just to take care of me. I am poor and I am quechua” said Cristina Huamanac in her house in Limatambo city. Like 300.000 Peruvian women she was sterilized against her will. Between 1996 and the year 2000, Alberto Fujimori, the Peruvian dictator, decided to reduce birth rate in humble families. Most of the women who were sterilized were from quechua ethnic group. They were asked to follow people working for the government to the hospital, and then they were tied and drugged before the sterilization operation. They can’t have children anymore and they suffer of hormonal dysfunction. Today, these women try to ask for justice. Peru (2015)
Marta Ocampo de Vasquez is Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo’s president. An Argentinian association gathering women whose children « disappeared » during the military dictatorship (1976-1983). Buenos Aires (2013)
Silvana Turner is part of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team created 31 years ago after the military dictatorship. Her work is to give an identity back to « disappeared » people examining their bones. Buenos Aires (2014)
For years Juana was beaten by her husband. She thought that it was normal, so she was afraid of telling it. Her husband used to hit her in the vagina. In this way he knew that Juana will never show her bruises. One day she listened to maltreated women testifying on TV and she decided to tell everything. Buenos Aires ( 2011)
Susana Trimarco has been fighting since 2002 against human trafficking’s mob in Argentina to find her daughter back. Her foundation Maria De Los Angeles saved 700 girls from sexual slavery. Buenos Aires (2011)